Author name: David Lopes

Cash allowance or contingency?

You are designing a new condominium building, and you’re not a landscape architect, however the development company your client has requested that the the landscaping for the building be included in the construction contract. You are behind schedule, the tender deadline is nearing, and there is no time to hire a landscape architect. What do […]

Cash allowance or contingency? Read More »

man on construction site wearing hard helmet and face mask

Covid changed how we work. The question is, was it for better or worse?

In March 2020, it became clear very quickly that architecture firms in Canada needed to jump headfirst into embracing technology in order to keep working. Remote work became the norm almost overnight. This was easier for some than others—plenty of firms were already using contract administration software like RForm to do many tasks online—but there

Covid changed how we work. The question is, was it for better or worse? Read More »

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