Author name: David Lopes

Adapting on the Fly: The Role of Change Orders in Construction

Adapting on the Fly: The Role of Change Orders in Construction In the course of a construction project for a residential complex, an unanticipated challenge arose during the foundation excavation phase. Initial soil assessments proved inaccurate, revealing a need for additional fill material and compaction to ensure the structural integrity of the foundation. What’s the

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What is an RFI: Your Guide to Requests for Information

In the construction industry, Request for Information (RFI) is a core communication tool used to seek clarification, resolve ambiguities, control costs, ensure compliance, and maintain quality. RFIs can come from various stakeholders like contractors, subcontractors, or clients. They may be prompted by uncertainties in project documents like plans or contracts. Contract administration software such as RForm helps in managing RFIs effectively, ensuring a smoother project progression. This tool aims to lift the burden off architects, construction professionals, and project managers, streamlining the construction contract administration process.

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The Epekwitk Assembly of Councils Building

RForm Case Study – Epekwitk Assembly of Councils Building

Managing the Many Layers of Funding, Construction, and Documentation of the Epekwitk Assembly of Councils Building When Coast Design Inc. began the design of the new Epekwitk Assembly of Councils Building that would sit on the waterfront in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, there were several important considerations that guided the project.  Owned, operated, and occupied

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